Saproxylic beetles and lichens as key elements in forest biodiversity

Based on the European Green Deal, the Waldfonds-project “Forestry and Forest Biodiversity in the Context of the Green Deal” of the Umweltdachverband is developing innovative approaches to improve biodiversity in forest ecosystems. In Work Package 1, saproxylic beetles and lichens are considered as focus organisms in the forest, and the role of forest management in relation to these organism groups is clarified. Through expert/stakeholder surveys, expert/stakeholder dialogues, and an online stakeholder workshop, a concise paper with recommendations for forestry practices is derived. Additionally, targeted searches and consultations for the protection and promotion of deadwood-dwelling beetles and lichens are conducted in forestry enterprises.

Funding:Waldfonds Austria
DI Christian Fraissl

Mag. Harald Komposch, Ingenieurbüro für Biologie
Project start:November 2023
Project time:4 months
Project leader:Samuel Messner, Elisabeth Glatzhofer

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